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The Four Words to Focus On in 2022 – Part 3

Feb 22, 2022

The third word to focus on in 2022 is Family. I cherish time with my husband and kids. Time together traveling, watching a movie, having dinner, sitting on fine sand at the beach, or just being in the same room relaxing. I love my family, a unit of four.

Kids are growing fast in front of my eyes. My focus is to create more opportunities and more time to spend with them, to teach them the best I can, before they leave home for college. Family is my support system. We lift one another up. We share things, good or bad. Our intertwined lives and special connection, our unique bonds and different personalities – all essential to coexist as a functional tribe. There are times for fun, times to be serious, times to relax and times for discipline. There is always something to learn – patience, tolerance, appreciation, cooperation.

I am focused to build a close-knit family, in which we are free to share anything and everything. We can be open yet give one another space. We can set boundaries and enjoy one another’s company. We can argue and make peace. Family is a safe place to be.

I am going to create and cherish memories with my family. We will do more activities outside of school, outside of work. More traveling – when the pandemic is under control. All the love, laughter, sweat and tears. Everything about my family, integrated, function as a whole.

I am thankful for my family, my prized treasure, my life. Often times I get distracted by other things, such as mundane chores, daytime job duties, absorbed in complaints and dissatisfaction. Shift and stay focus on what is important – my family. Other things will pass. Things seemingly impossible will have a solution. My family is a priceless gift that will always be my focus.

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