The Four Words to Focus On in 2022 – Part 2
Feb 20, 2022
(Refer to my previous post). For a quick recap, the four words I will focus on in 2022 are: gratitude, change, family and alignment.
Change. What a word. Change can be something small, like using a different font in an article. It can be a big change, such as a movement to change the culture in practicing medicine. Intentional change usually happens in hopes of a better outcome. Not all changes are good for everyone. I will focus on change that is involved on a personal level, on myself, for the better.
I spend most of my life not thinking about myself much. I question my ability to do things perfectly. I am my own biggest critique of all time. There is always a lot of fear – the fear of rejection, the fear of disappointment, the fear of failure, the fear of other people’s opinions… the list can go on for pages.
All the self-doubt. Not trusting myself and not staying in integrity. I think successful people are different and special, and I will probably not be (successful) like them.
In 2022, the change for me is from self-doubt all the time to self-confidence. It is not something I can do overnight, but it will be a gradual transformation with practice. Our brain is accustomed to think of the worst case scenario. It is trying to protect us. It doesn’t want us to get injured (physically or emotionally).
Self confidence is the ability to take care of myself, to be responsible, to carry out what I said I would. Self confidence is the belief that I am capable, I am amazing, and I am enough. Self confidence is giving myself credit, and not scared to fail. Failure is a marker of not meeting the desired standard or outcome of something; self confidence is learning from the so-called failure. Self confidence is willing to experience and process negative emotions – the discomfort, the uneasiness, the fear.
I am learning to trust myself and to believe that my potential is limitless (or limited by what I think). I am learning to live in integrity, to have my own back. This change is going to be awesome!
Are you ready to stop feeling stressed and overwhelmed? Are you ready to have more time to do what you want?