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Making Decisions

Jan 30, 2023

One of my clients told me that she was having a difficult time in deciding what to do. She was exploring other options in her career and was going through some interviews. She expressed her concern of the what if. What if she was offered a job by one of the companies. Then she would have to make a decision to accept the offer or not. As much as she wanted to change jobs, she had concerns about if the decision would be a right decision.

What if there is no right or wrong decision? In situations where one decision is obviously a much better choice for you, there is usually no confusion about what you are going to do. It is usually when you have two choices in front of you that are of similar weight. Both have things you like and do not like. Both have pros and cons if you go either way.

Some people have trouble deciding on which choice to pick because they are afraid to make the “wrong” decision. They end up telling themselves they do not know what to decide. They feel confused.

Does that sound like you?

When you say “I don’t know” what to do or decide, your brain may go a couple ways. Your brain may shut down and not think about possibilities of what each decision will bring you. Your brain may keep imagining all the what if’s when you make either decision. This is draining energy from you. It is also time consuming. You end up being stuck at the crossroads, not able to move forward.

Many people are indecisive about a situation is because they are afraid to make the wrong decision. What does that mean? I have three job offers and I am not sure which one to pick. I do not know what to eat for dinner. I am not sure if I should date that person.

What if there is no right or wrong decision? What would you decide?

Indecision or delayed decision-making holds you at the same spot where you started. Just as I mentioned about the crossroads earlier, you are at a stand-still right at the intersection. What if, knowing what you know, make a decision and go with it?

Making a decision moves you forward.  It gives you a direction to go. Even though sometimes you do not know where the road is leading you exactly, you are going somewhere. Somewhere you based on why you made that decision in the first place. It is important to keep the why in your decision making process.

You may find out, after making your decision and going through life, you actually want something else. That is alright. You may not find out what you really want without making that decision in the first place. Decision making opens room for clarity. It also frees up your mental space. Instead of thinking about the same issue constantly, you get to move on to the next thing and make the next decision. The more decisions you make, the better and faster you are to make them.

When there is something you have to decide on, write it down. List all the decisions you have to make. Keep in mind the reason for making that particular decision. What your why is behind it.

Set yourself a time limit to have the decision made.

No matter what decision you make, you tell yourself that the decision is the best decision at that time.

Once you make the decision, go with it. Do not tread back to where you were and change your mind without first going down the road.

There are many decisions we have to make in our lives. Trust yourself to make a decision and decide you are making the best decision for you.

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